Desired Skills and Experience

  • Top-notch programming skills
  • Deep experience with—and love for—technology. There’s no specific checklist; we use code to approach a variety of problems, so we’re interested in everything from machine learning to systems administration to programming language design
  • Strong interpersonal skills. Software development at Jane Street is highly collaborative, and we are looking for people who can work effectively in small, close-knit teams
  • Worked on developing and evaluating algorithms to get more parallelism out of the change propagation phase in our in-house parallel/incremental compute engine.
  • Added an IO virtualization layer to our high-performance marketdata libraries, to make testing more isolated and deterministic.
  • Developed an efficient incremental packet-capture database, so that detailed packet capture data can be queried immediately, without waiting for an end-of-day batch job.
  • Wrote a view-based API over the OCaml abstract syntax tree, to both simplify the job of writing syntax extensions, and to make those extensions automatically portable across different versions of the compiler.
  • Built a tracing tool for programs using Async, our concurrent programming library. This tool makes it possible to recover useful stack traces that cross over Async’s bind operator, and to visualize these traces with a web-based viewer.